Jul 24, 2011

A Quick Cure for Hiccups

A quick search in the internet will tell you all sorts of methods to get rid of hiccups. Some of the more popular ways proposed online are:
  • Hold your breath
  • Drink water
  • Get tickled
  • Get scared
Different methods work for different people, so I am going to propose a method of my own in addition to the myriad of online methods - Acupressure.

You don't need to be an acupressure expert to pull this one. When you are suffering from hiccups, all you have to do is to locate the solar plexus point and give it a long firm press.

There are many points corresponding to the solar plexus. I am going to give you the one that is most accessible. It is on your palm, below your middle finger and slightly below the balls of your palm. You can press on either left or right palm. It doesn't matter as long as you are pressing the right area.

Basically, by pressing the solar plexus point, you are sending in signal to centre yourself. This will help your body cope with changes as it relaxes and balances itself.

Hopefully this simple method can be useful for you all.