Tea, is a drink made from steeping tea leaves (Camillia sinensis) in hot water. When tea leaves are missing, it just isn't so apt to call them tea anymore. Some people call these herbal teas but I personally insist that we should call them tisanes to make a distinction of the presence of tea (hence caffeine).
The steps to make fine tisanes are fairly easy:
- Grow the herbs
- Use scissors or appropriate tools to snip off healthy leaves or plant top with healthy leaves
- Wash the leaves [optional]
- You can steep your tisane if you prefer using fresh leaves (please wash leaves if you skipped step #3)
- Air dry the excess/leftover leaves for 1-3 weeks away from sunlight(sun drying might destroy or evaporate some nice compounds)
- Keep dried leaves properly in a sealed container
- Pick some dried leaves to steep when required (please wash leaves if you skipped step #3)
These are some of the common herbs that can be grown in Malaysia with some of their benefits. I'm writing this from memory and impression, so there will be a lot more benefits that I may not remember.
Be it Thai, Indian, sweet or lemon basil, as long as it is basil (Ocimum) genus, you can get tasty tisane out of it. These herbs are generally warming to the body.
Benefits: respiratory & digestive problems such as cough, sorethroat, indigestion, strengthens the spirit
Bitter gourd leaves
This one, I've researched and tested once, it seems bitter gourd leaves are edible. They are just as bitter as the gourd. It is a cooling herb.
Benefits: similar to bitter gourd, it is good for digestive problems as well as diabetes
Guava Leaves
Not just guava fruits are edible, their leaves can make tasty tisanes too.
Benefits: good for curbing diarrhea, said to be beneficial for blood cholesterol and diabetes
Jasmine flowers
Make sure you get the actual Jasminum genus. Orange jasmine or citrus jasmine is NOT of Jasminum genus. Jasmine flowers are best picked early in the morning when they are about to bloom. The fragrance of jasmine is pleasant & relaxing.
Benefits: Relaxing, calming, anti-stress, aphrodisiac
Lemon balm
This plant has a very strong lemony fragrance to it. It can be used as substitute for lemongrass in cooking.
Benefits: Very calming, suitable for insomnia, also useful for strengthening the mind
Lemongrass is trickier than other herbs, you need to cut off the young leaves and use only the main stem. Those who cook should know about this. Preferably, use lemongrass fresh. Smash the stem and cook for 5 min. Lemongrass goes well with pandan leaves. Lemongrass is warming.
Benefits: respiratory & digestive problems such as cough, sorethroat, indigestion, strengthens the mind
Peppermint, spearmint, pudina, applemint, pineapple mint and many other varieties are available. Personally, I love peppermint because of the peppery and cooling taste to it. Mints are fairly easy to grow so it is a very good choice. Mints are cooling when warm, warming when cool.
Benefits: respiratory & digestive problems such as cough, sorethroat, indigestion, calming to the body & mind
Misai Kucing
Cat's whisker is a local plant that can be grown very easily.
Benefits: Said to be good for cholesterol issues & diabetes
Personally, I have yet used this herb before, neither have I researched deeply in it. However, given all the popularity in this website, it is a herb worthy of note.
Benefits: Mood regulation (this is the only one I know... LOL)
Rose flowers
Rose flowers should be picked either before they bloom (to avoid having bugs in the buds) or after they have bloomed (and pluck off the petals). Roses are actually quite nutritious and can be used as a good tisane supplement. Roses are warming.
Benefits: tonic to the heart & liver, promotes intestinal flora health, calming, aphrodisiac
Rosemary is often used in cooking and can also be enjoyed as tisanes. The sharp fragrance is a good wake up call to the body. This herb has a very warming effect.
Benefits: has quite a lot of antioxidants, promotes blood circulation, has been claimed to improve memory (via better blood circulation and oxygenation of the brain)
This plant can be quite productive if you can manage to establish the plant. My sage plant is producing much more than enough for my own consumption. Sage can smell awful to some people, so mixing sage with tulasi (Indian basil) can make the taste much more palatable.
Benefits: causes sweating to break fever, antiseptic, good for mouth ulcer
This plant is a great natural sweetener to substitute for sugar.
Benefits: useful for diabetic patients
Although the leaves are small, this plant has fragrance that can give you a punch. This herb is warming.
Benefits: useful for mouth ulcer, respiratory issue such as cough & cold
That's all for now... I will add more information when I have time. Happy gardening & happy being healthy. ;)